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25. "B" - The ABCs of Conflict Avoidance

Master's Message children's class discussion topic of the week.

This week we will discuss letter B.


Breathe deeply. Be calm. If confronted with an unavoidable conflict, such as an argument or fight.


Under pressure most people can’t think normally because they become emotional, angry, anxious, stressed, and they may panic. When under this type of pressure, people start breathing fast and shallow and their heart rate increases. Take a few deep breaths to help you calm down. Staying calm and in control of your emotions will help you think more clearly of ways to defuse the situation.          


Stand tall – shoulders back and chin up, so your chest and lungs are not constricted and you can take full breaths Practice with the class, a simple, 'ancient martial art breathing exercise' for calming down when under stress. This can be used any time you feel nervous or stressed, such as:

  • If someone is bullying

  • If you are involved in an argument or need to stand up for yourself

  • Public speaking or doing a performance at a school assembly

  • Before a school test or exam

  • Before or during a martial arts grading

  • Any time you feel worried, angry, stressed, in panic, or have anxiety


"A deep breath can be a powerful balm." "Emotion and logic are like oil and water – They don’t mix."

"If you lose control of your emotions, you give your opponent an ally."




Cobra Martial Arts & Fitness Centres - Personal Development Program - 1991.


The "Winners" - Parents & Students

Karate Belt

“On behalf of myself and my wife Emily, we would like to take this opportunity to write and thank you very much for the effect your academies’ martial arts has had on our families lives.....What we found as a family is a whole lot more! Our children have developed a greater level of self-control, respect and confidence which has emanated through their schooling and greatly improved their interaction with their peers.”

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